Lost 20 Trades in a Row – Bad Luck or Bad Timing?

It’s not that this time of year is bad for trading or that you got unlucky.

You just got really lucky for a few months, and then you stopped getting lucky.

> Any advice before I get back on the horse?

Don’t, until you actually have a strategy you’re confident in and don’t need to ask this question.

Such losing streaks are inherent problems in high win rate strategies.

Well gathering all the losing trades in one place to review them will help. From the time you have been trading, the dollar has been obviously bullish, which leaves on-direction play for other dollar-paired currencies. If you have gone against it, losses would make sense.

I wanted to add, sometimes you gotta trust your instinct and get out of a losing trade. Sometimes we hold on to trades, hoping they will go blue. And that specific trade will stop you out.
Get out of a trade whenever you see confirmations in the chart and also add fundamentals to that. It helps.

If you made 5x over 5 months and lost it all in 1 month, then there is seriously something wrong with your risk management or you have entered way more positions than usual.

Brother, do backtesting and forward testing as well till January and see if your strategy is still good or not. Maybe it was just beginner’s luck. I can’t say to be honest because I don’t know your strategy, but what I do know is maybe this happened because of the election, and after January you will be back at your game.
Nobody can tell you, bro; you have to figure this out yourself. You will get more confused by talking to all these people and listening to all these different opinions, so do yourself a favor and spend a little bit of time on the chart and you’ll figure it out.

Sooner or later (or if you choose not) a trader must get really honest with themselves about what they are doing. You might think you are different, and well, you might be, but I doubt it.