Can y’all explain what just happened?

Hey folks,

I’m kinda lost here and need some help. So, I entered a gold trade and left it open overnight. I thought the overnight fees were like 40 cents or something, but it ended up eating my whole take profit! Like, what the hell? I barely made anything from this trade. Can someone explain what went wrong? Thanks…

Swaps depend on the interest rate difference between the currencies. Check this out before leaving a trade open overnight next time. Good luck! :crossed_fingers:

Why does it say Nat Gas at the top?..And your lot size detetmines your swap. Bigger lot, bigget swap.

You shorted the USD. Tell Gold to rise their rates :rofl:

You’re basically paying a fee to keep your trade open until the next day.

Wait wahhh how are they connected…You bought Gold and sold USD.