What am i doing wrong with my trades

i made money over the last year trading gold and nas100 on a demo account but i keep making the same mistake. i enter trades too early and get stopped out where i should have placed a limit order. i then enter a new trade and make money but it’s a waste of time. my second mistake is i think the market will always go up. what can i do to stop making these mistakes

you know what you’re doing wrong so stop doing it. it’s time to take control of your actions

your entry signal is not good enough. wait for the market to show it’s ready to turn before you enter a trade. you don’t have to catch the whole trend

i did the same thing and lost three accounts. i got frustrated and did revenge trading

you don’t have a good trading system. you need to understand how the market works and have a plan

i think you should watch a video by dr david paul. it might help you

start writing down your trades and what you did wrong. it will help you see what you need to change

read a book called the candlestick trading bible. it might help you understand the market better

it’s easy to see what you did wrong after it happens. but in the moment it’s hard. i do the same thing. i think the key is to be patient

you should read a book called trading in the zone. it will help you understand your emotions and how they affect your trading

i heard a phrase that might help you. it’s about finding a trade and then putting your position where you should have originally

you should look into the wyckoff strategy. it might help you

just be present when you trade. remind yourself to be patient and don’t get frustrated

do you use a moving average when you trade

you’re getting better every day. just keep practicing

i have the same problems as you. i enter trades too early and i always think the market will go up

set buy limits and don’t watch your screen. go do something else. it will help you not get frustrated

when you enter a trade too early give yourself a consequence. it will help you remember to be patient. and don’t always think the market will go up. trade what you see not what you think will happen