Waiting for all the WHAT JUST HAPPENED posts … who's ready


For everyone who hasn’t been following closely

:joy::joy::joy: people really need to keep up with Trump’s speeches, or forex factory should highlight him

Looks like we are in for a tough four years

Sam said:
Looks like we are in for a tough four years

I loved this stuff when I was actively trading back in the day, it was the easiest money you could make

Fin said:

Sam said:
Looks like we are in for a tough four years

I loved this stuff when I was actively trading back in the day, it was the easiest money you could make

How did you figure out which way the market would move?

I don’t want to sound rude, but you really don’t need a degree in economics.

Even if it’s confusing, just look at the past reactions.

If I said Trump mentioned ‘the dollar is too strong, we need it to weaken to boost exports’, what do you think will happen to the USD?

Or if he says ‘oil prices are too high, I’ll talk to the Saudis’, what do you think will move?

But how do you know when he’s not just making things up? He’s lied a lot

Lin said:
But how do you know when he’s not just making things up? He’s lied a lot

Whether he’s lying or not doesn’t matter. What you need to know is that the market will respond in the short term either way.

So how did the market respond to those two examples? I’m trying to learn.

Whit said:
So how did the market respond to those two examples? I’m trying to learn.

Those examples were just theories.

If someone in charge says ‘X is too strong’, do you really not see that you should either buy or sell X? It’s basically them telling you.

If you can’t go from A to B in your thinking, you’re going to struggle when it comes to A to B to C. It’s all connected.

I get the first one, but the second one confuses me

Brooke said:
I get the first one, but the second one confuses me

The second one should be clear if you’re trading oil.

To relate it to forex, it’s a bit more complicated, but generally look at NOK, CAD, RUB (even though we can’t trade this anymore), and MXN to some extent. Think about which countries export oil and rely heavily on the oil industry.

Then, when trading those currencies, consider which countries import the most oil.

Historically, a popular trade for oil in forex is CAD/JPY since it has good liquidity and movement. Here’s an example from a while ago when I was still actively trading:


Fin said:

Sam said:
Looks like we are in for a tough four years

I loved this stuff when I was actively trading back in the day, it was the easiest money you could make

Absolutely! Volatility is everything for me … lol

I really need to start watching his speeches. Is there a schedule for them, or does he just speak whenever someone puts a mic in front of him?

Cain said:
I really need to start watching his speeches. Is there a schedule for them, or does he just speak whenever someone puts a mic in front of him?

You have to track it on Twitter or Truth … unfortunately lol

What’s his Twitter?

Ashton said:
What’s his Twitter?

If you’ve used Twitter before, it’s easy to find. Elon promotes it on everyone’s feed

Cain said:
I really need to start watching his speeches. Is there a schedule for them, or does he just speak whenever someone puts a mic in front of him?

Why? It all happens in seconds, if you’re not informed before, you’ll lose out. It happens way too fast.

That guy talks way too much

Oh… I bought 0dte SPX calls just 3 minutes before this happened. No wonder it didn’t go well for me