Struggling with my funded account… anyone else?

Hey everyone, I passed my funded account challenges (both P1 and P2), but now I’m losing almost all my trades on the funded account and I just don’t get why. I’m down -4% in drawdown, and it’s really stressing me out :disappointed_relieved:. I’m using the same strategy that helped me pass the challenges, but now it’s not working, and I’m feeling stuck. I mainly trade Gold. Any advice on what I might be doing wrong?

Take a break, bro. After passing both P1 and P2, it’s easy to get overconfident, which can mess with your thought process. Stick to your strategy and stay focused.

I’m currently on my third challenge, and it feels like I’m trading with my life savings :sweat_smile:. I’m not saying you should be too cautious (since there’s a time limit), but give your mind a break and come back refreshed.