Porter said:
My title?
My bad.
Rory said:
Why do people keep betting on Forex? It’s not a fair game with big players. You might have better luck learning poker; you could earn more by playing that instead.
Poker? Are you serious? POKER? Wow.
Yes, it’s definitely possible, but it sounds like you haven’t done enough research. If you had, you wouldn’t be asking this.
The first question to ask is whether it’s even mathematically possible to make money. If it is, then look back at your trades and ask, ‘Why did I lose when I expected to win?’ Keep questioning and figure out why you entered each trade. Start creating rules for yourself.
This process can take months or even years, but that’s where the real money comes in. Over time, you’ll get to a point where you can look at a chart and predict with about 80% accuracy.
It’s possible, but it requires experience and practice.
It is possible. Just stick to one system or strategy that works and learn as you go. Don’t change a system that’s already working, and for now, maybe avoid risking your own money. Stick to demo or prop accounts.
Of course it’s possible. The $3,000 you lost is now profit for another trader.
It is possible, but the percentage of profit may not be as high as beginners expect when considering consistent yearly returns.
It is possible. It took me over a year to find a strategy that works for me. Unfortunately, I realized that some understanding of market sentiment is also needed.