I Guess We Can Say the Trade Paid Off in the End

What broker?

Zaden said:
What broker?

Fr!! That’s insane leverage.

Bevan said:

Zaden said:
What broker?

Fr!! That’s insane leverage.

It’s a micro lot.

Zaden said:
What broker?

Answers the man OP.

Zaden said:
What broker?

It doesn’t have the CC thingy; I think it’s a demo account.

Gg! What a catch! What type of leverage is that tho? What’s the broker if you don’t mind sharing?

Dude. One lucky shot, no strategy, over-leveraging… next time this will cost you the account.

Sidney said:
Dude. One lucky shot, no strategy, over-leveraging… next time this will cost you the account.

Not necessarily next time, but…

Close it already.

Pierce said:
Close it already.

Already did.

Tbh, I prefer using between 2% to 4% risk for each of my entries. I like to take it slow with low risk & low reward, using a 1:2 or 1:3 risk:reward ratio.

Btw, what does ‘m’ stand for?

Jade said:
Tbh, I prefer using between 2% to 4% risk for each of my entries. I like to take it slow with low risk & low reward, using a 1:2 or 1:3 risk:reward ratio.

Btw, what does ‘m’ stand for?

Micro, it’s used in MT4 if I’m correct.

Yes, you are.

I was in the same trade.

Indeed he paid! Well done, but I prefer slow growth. The day it doesn’t pass, it’s the account that explodes. I’ve been trading for 5 years, and I know what I’m talking about. I hope you withdrew your initial investment.

What do you mean it doesn’t pass?

Orion said:
What do you mean it doesn’t pass?

I mean that when you take big prizes and risk a lot of margin, if the price turns around, your account can explode. I’m advising you to risk less, especially with margins and to grow your account little by little.

This was more of a one-time thing.