Experience with Magic Keys?

Hey, I’m eyeing up purchasing magic keys but when researching reviews it’s rated either: a total waste of money or the best thing since sliced bread. I’m just looking for any honest reviews/experience, does the product actually work, is it buggy, will I be disappointed?

Is the product robust and works as described without breaking all the time, thanks.

sigh Great responses folks, lol. Y’all aren’t even on the same topics. This is so damn stupid I’ll reply even though I mostly left Reddit.

OP: Just grab yourself a Bluetooth number pad on Amazon at amzn.to/4eno4pz.

Magic Keys just slaps some stickers on that product and sells it for $185 rather than the $20 it costs them. Download the Magic Keys software and use it with the number pad. Shoot, you can do the same thing with the function keys (or really any key that’s on your keyboard, or you can even use multiple keyboards on the same system) with macro software.

Thanks for the advice, I’ll take a look at it. The keypad is pretty much identical to the Magic Keys one as well. Have you used the digital version and if so how did you find it?

Also, it baffles me how some people are just massive bellends for no reason, didn’t even read the question they just went straight for violence :joy:.

I stupidly bought this.

It’s terrible. Basically a scam. It’s so buggy/glitchy I threw mine away for a day.

If it worked as advertised, it would be a decent trading gadget, but it’s useless.

Cameron said:
I stupidly bought this.

It’s terrible. Basically a scam. It’s so buggy/glitchy I threw mine away for a day.

If it worked as advertised, it would be a decent trading gadget, but it’s useless.

Cheers mate, the reviews are either 1 star or 5 star and I don’t know if I want to gamble for the price of it with the disparity.

Honestly, it’s a piece of actual shit: don’t buy.

I bought it a few years ago and I still use it now, I like it. I use it with MT5 but if I used CTrader, I wouldn’t bother tbh.

Forrest said:
I bought it a few years ago and I still use it now, I like it. I use it with MT5 but if I used CTrader, I wouldn’t bother tbh.

Thanks for the sane, on-topic reply :joy:.

Search up reviews on YouTube.

If it’s being sold, it is a scam.

Quinn said:
If it’s being sold, it is a scam.

It’s amazing how many stupid questions like this come up. Truth is, if they’re not smart enough to see a scam, chances are they aren’t smart enough to trade.

:joy::joy: I’m asking for advice on a tool, not a course, get over yourself.

Zev said:
:joy::joy: I’m asking for advice on a tool, not a course, get over yourself.

Learn to read charts; there is no tool that will make it easier. To repeat: naked charts are the best option.

You’re so arrogant; you’re telling me how to do things that aren’t relevant. What has reading a naked chart got to do with me asking about automation for calculating lots?

I’m asking for advice on a tool, it’s the same if I asked about charting options or journal options.

Why are you going to pay for a tool that can be gotten for free?

Mica said:
Why are you going to pay for a tool that can be gotten for free?

I explained in the other comment; I use a calculator to get the calculations for the lot size based on risk. I don’t like manually copying the values over because there’s too much room for error, so I’ve tried free EAs which work about 70% of the time, but they can calculate the lots wrong which isn’t ideal. So I do not mind paying for a service that will guarantee me the correct lots from risk automatically without error; it’s a service I’m willing to pay for and I see value as it will benefit my trading.

I use a free forex calculator and only trade two pairs. So I’m at the point where I have a good idea of what’s an acceptable amount of risk by looking at it. While the lot size is dependent on the perceived probability of the move.

While I don’t trade based on the cost of losing; I’m more focused on where my stop loss can go so it won’t get knocked out compared to the gain I’m hoping to get.

Good for you.

There’s plenty of free material to learn how to trade. If they’re charging you and making courses, chances are they aren’t profitable traders.

Mica said:
There’s plenty of free material to learn how to trade. If they’re charging you and making courses, chances are they aren’t profitable traders.

It’s not a course; it’s a tool to calculate lot sizes & risk management. I know how to trade, I calculate my risk and lot through calculators, but I’m looking at ways to streamline the process. I have free EAs that do what I need on MT4 but I find them really unreliable with their calculations, so I’m searching for something more accurate.